Consultant, psychologist, educationalist, trainer, coach, mediator, editor in Palliative Care course Med.Univ. Salzburg. Studied psychology, organisational psychology and educational science, registered psychotherapist and teaching therapist and mediator. Trigon partner and team partner of the Academy of Social Management since 25 years.
Focus ofaActivities
- Consulting, Coaching and supervision in HR – and organisational development
- Management- und Teamdevelopment
- Trainings for leadership, conflict management, personality development
- Coaching und supervision – individual, group- and team coaching
- Companies: Erste Bank, Otto Bock Healtcare, s-Bausparkasse, TIWAG
- NPO´s – Diakoniewerk Gallneukirchen, Pensionistenheime NÖ, Jugend am Werk, ÖHTB, Dorfgemeinschaft Breitenfurt
E-Mail: [email protected]