Identifying potential
When we talk about the potential of a person, we mean the totality of the performance opportunities open to him or her. The term includes those capabilities that have already been developed and those that are hinted at but yet to be fully revealed. Tools for identifying potential reveal the resources and the potential in employees and managers (high potentials) that is available for further development. These tools facilitate targeted development, training and deployment of personnel.
Trigon services for identifying potential:
Self-assessment tools are useful for individuals who wish to evaluate their own basic inclinations and abilities.
- Using simulation methods (e.g. Assessment Center) it is possible to predict capabilities for future requirements.
- Feedback methods (360° feedback) or performance evaluations allow
conclusions to be drawn from past actions about future potential.
- Standardized tests (e.g. BIP, SVF, GPOP) are effective when used in
combination with other methods and are useful in the successful
recruitment, development and deployment of staff.
- Projective tests (e.g. Symbolon) can reveal relevant and critical issues to be addressed by individuals or whole teams.