Management development
Trigon development programs for managers are customized on the basis of competencies that are relevant to the particular business situation. They combine the personal and organizational perspective, i.e. "developing people as leaders" and "developing leadership within the organization". All programs integrate various state-of-the-art forms of learning. Trigon services for management development include:
Qualifications on thematic areas:
- Internal development programs for young executives
- OD workshop and OD Professional
- HR Forum
- Coaching workshop and compact coaching course
- Conflict management
- Project management
Seminars and compact training courses for personal leadership:
- The leader as a "change manager" (skills and tools)
- Leadership in the absence of an official position
- Work-life balance as a leader
Coaching for leaders:
- One-to-one coaching: When taking on a new management function, management of employees, positioning within the company, conflict management, dealing with change at a personal level, career planning, work-life balance
- Team coaching: Defining your role and the nature of your work in the management team, conflict resolution
- Expert coaching: Strategy development, merger support, shaping change processes in organizations