Management consultant, trainer, coach, mediator, psychotherapist. Studied theology at the University of Salzburg, further studies in organization development, coaching, psychotherapy (TA, hypnotherapy), mediation, systemic structural constellation. Trigon partner since 1999.
Focus of activities
Designing and running management development trainings; coaching
Designing and implementing HR instruments and leadership tools, leading the Trigon HR course (HR-Forum)
Change processes: developing and implementing vision, mission and corporate culture
Facilitating team workshops
Designing, leading and running qualification programmes for external and internal consultants
Conflict management
- Industry: e.g. voestalpine, Siemens, Fronius International, Geroldinger GmbH.
- Services and trade: e.g. REWE International AG, BAWAG P.S.K., Niederösterreichische Versicherung, Diakonissen-Krankenhaus, Klinikum Am Goldenen Steig, Kepler Universitätsklinikum, FAB/bfi/BBRZ, TIWAG, Linz AG, VAMED
- Public administration and NGO’s: e.g. BM für Finanzen, VertretungsNetz, Magistrat Wels, Wirtschaftskammer, Kammer für Arbeiter und Angestellte, Diakoniewerk Gallneukirchen
E-Mail: [email protected]