Developing teams and departments/divisions
Sound development of organizations is only possible if the individual departments or divisions are effective in their market niches while appreciating the necessity of interplay between all involved. Departmental/divisional development is the suitable way forward.
Team development can be a suitable starting point for developing individual units of the business. In well-functioning teams, members feel co-responsible for shared tasks and outcomes. They recognize the achievements of the individual and offer each other mutual support.
Typical areas for exploration are:
- Holistic departmental/divisional development, e.g. when there is a change of management
- Leadership and cooperation in the selected department/division
- Redefining functions: Job review and re-positioning
- Optimization of processes
- Key factors in work teams
- Team development workshops: Linking operational tasks and optimizing cooperation
- Reflection and elaboration of rules of the game in the team
- Experiential learning in teams
- Team coaching.